
Activate Your Career: Figure Out What’s Next and How to Make It Happen

Oct 23 2023

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM MT

Create. Cultivate. Activate!  Learn a step-by-step process to create a vision of your ideal position, cultivate the resources to start moving forward, and activate your professional development plan to fulfill your career dreams. This is a great session to help figure out your short- and long-term career goals and how to work with your manager to achieve them. 

You will walk away knowing how to:

  • Create a clear vision of your next career move using journaling, vision boards, job descriptions and informational interviews
  • Brainstorm the best resources to help you achieve your career goals
  • Identify the next 3 steps you need to take to move forward and activate your career dreams (write a resume, find a mentor, or create your career deck)
  • Practice scripts to negotiate a better salary, job title, or new roles

You will get the most of this session if you:

  • Are ready for the next step in your career
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