You’re attending a professional conference and don’t know anyone else attending. There is a networking reception, and you dread going. How will you chat with others you don’t know? What will you chat about, or will you end up standing on the wall feeling like an outcast?
Did you know that most people feel exactly the same way? Going to a networking event when you don’t know anyone stirs up feelings of anxiety and discomfort. According to The New York Times, 40-75% of people suffer from social anxiety, making it the number one social fear.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. This workshop will cover the most common networking myths, explore secret networking principles, and give you strategies to create and leverage your new network!
You’ll learn:
- What to do in the first five seconds of meeting someone
- How to combat social anxiety (easy-to-do steps to ease your discomfort)
- How to make networking “safe” for you both (no creepy hanger-oners)
- How to maximize your impact and build trust immediately
- Do you struggle to remember names? Rhonda will teach you a quick technique to ensure you don’t forget ever again
- Online networking do’s and don’ts