Love What You Do: Reengage and Thrive in Your Career
In today’s rapidly changing job market, it can be challenging to thrive and stay engaged in your career. Join Rob Hosking, executive director of admin customer support at Robert Half,…
State of the Profession
Join us for a rousing welcome to the 31st annual APC, including a panel on the state of the profession with the latest data from the American Society of Administrative…
Courage at Work: How to Speak Up and Own Your Brilliance
Many admins feel like they have the courage to speak up at work, except perhaps when they’re talking to executives or others with seemingly more power than them. When they…
Life Lessons from Oprah, Rolling Stone, Maury, and Mom
Libby Moore will share the most important lessons learned from her 11 years with Oprah Winfrey, four years at Rolling Stone, and three years with Maury Povich. All a beautiful…